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Economic development & employment promotion

In economic development & employment promotion projects the combination of Reframe Monitor and Reframe eCases has proven to be very powerful to track skill development measures and contributions to create decent and green jobs.

Economic development & employment promotion

Information needs in EcoDev & employment promotion projects

Projects in the economic development & employment promotion sector typically require data about skill development and labour market transition of students or trainees on an individual or aggregated (e.g. district, country) level. Depending on the information needs set by donor organisations, projects seek to setup monitoring systems to track KPIs on aggregated levels, but also -so called- case management systems to keep an overview of individuals benefitting from skill development and labour market measures directly or indirectly.

Examplary data points

Trainings / Placements

Skill development
Labour market measures
Job creation

Reframe in EcoDev & employment promotion projects

Sports for Development in Africa (S4DA)
Sports for Development in Africa (S4DA)
The Sport for Development in Africa (S4DA) Regional Project uses sport and physical activities as a tool to promote gender equality by empowering women and girls and by fostering positive masculinity in boys and men. The application of safeguarding principles ensures that activities take place in an environment that is free from harm and abuse creating safe spaces for all.
Fund for the promotion of innovation in agriculture (i4Ag)
Fund for the promotion of innovation in agriculture (i4Ag)
S4DA uses sport as means to promote education, employment, health, gender equality and peaceful coexistence for children and youth

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